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Women in Diving - Mindy

Flamingo Divers

Mindy has been diving with us for four years, with her husband Toby and daughter Brenna (previous profile). While Mindy's diving journey started over 20 years ago, she says she was relieved her daughter fell in love with diving too! (read more below!) One of the great joys of what we do for a living is getting to spend time with families having fun together, spending precious time enjoying each other before the busy-ness of life takes over as young people transition into young adults. Mindy's devotion to her family is paramount and its fun for us to see mom's and daughters bonding together over (well, under) our beautiful oceans. Its a privilege to play a small part in those moments, and we are honored that families like Mindy's choose to spend a little part of their special vacation time on our dive boat. Looking forward to many more years of family vacations on board!

Name: Mindy

Day Job: substitute school nurse

Certification Level: open water

How many years i’ve been diving: 20+

Favorite dive buddy: Toby and Brenna (we dive as a family)

Do you own your own dive gear? Yes

How often do you dive? At least one trip per year

How long have you been a ‘Flamingo Diver’? 3 years

My Favorite TCI Dive site is: Amphitheater Northwest Point

My Favorite thing to see on a dive is: turtles

Macro or Big Stuff? Macro

Top of my marine life bucket list? Whales

If i had one dive trip to choose anywhere in the world I would go: French Polynesia

Favorite thing about the sport of diving: Enjoying the time with my family

Favorite dive moment to date: Brenna’s first certified dive

Diving is my happy place because: I enjoy hearing only my breathing and taking in everything I see

What else can you tell us about your diving journey to date? (any obstacles you’ve over come, what has surprised you, loved, etc): I am still working on perfect buoyancy. I was surprised how calm I was when I first saw a shark. We decided four years ago to give Brenna a certificate to get certified for Christmas. She has always loved the water and we were relieved that she fell in love with diving as well.

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